Handling Fears

Stories featuring characters who learn how to proactively and positively handle feelings of fear, or deal with things that feel scary.

842. Thumping Thunder: a mindful story and meditation for kids

Ballet Bunny thumps her foot at the Spring storm to warn her friends and scare away the thunder.  Will it work?

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839. Gum Tree Games: a soothing kid’s story when you need a break

Wynne Wallaby feels nervous because it’s her first day with a babysitter. How will Kiera Koala help her feel better?

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827. Fearless Flight: a meditation and bedtime story

Dragon holds an evening of storytelling in the forest, and Odin Owl tells the story of how he came to Ahway Island.

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818. Cheery Checkup: a soothing meditation and bedtime story

When Emily needs to go to the dentist, her dad and her brother Billy help calm her nerves.

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