
Stories about kids!

844. Mighty Metaphors: a children’s relaxing story and meditation

Peter thinks metaphors are silly, but he still appreciates learning about language.

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417. Family Recipe: a mindful story and relaxation for kids

Joe and his dad make dinner for the family using a favorite recipe.

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840. Eggplant Extravaganza: a meditation and calming bedtime story

Helen and her mother cook a new dish with the vegetables that Helen picked out at the grocery store.

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414. The Colorful Spaceship: a calming story and meditation

Mark draws a spaceship and learns to be more flexible when his original plan gets changed.

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837. Ferry Time: a relaxing short story and meditation

C.J. takes a ferry ride with their dad to go visit their grandmothers, but has a hard time waiting!

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412. Train Game: a relaxation and tale for kids

James is sad that it’s too rainy to play at the park. But Julia has an idea for a super-fun indoor game.

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834. Take the Dive!: a relaxing meditation and kid’s story

Kumar is going to do a diving start for the first time at his swim meet! What if he forgets how to do it?

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410. Work and Play: a meditation and bedtime story for children

Anora and Blanka Bunny learn that working and playing are both important!

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407. The Magic of Colors — Refreshed!: a nap time story and relaxation for kids

Lydia’s dad teaches her about the magic of colors as they paint beautiful pictures together.

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829. Culinary Quest: a soothing meditation and bedtime story

Helen goes on a fun-filled adventure to the grocery store where she discovers some new vegetables.

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